Friday, December 23, 2022

Last hours for December Berry Big Deal "Frosty Friends"


It´s the last call to pick up December Berry Big Deal! - only a few hours!

December Berry Big Deal from me is a new collection

Frosty Friends

each part from the collection is on SALE 50% Off
but if you buy everything together your price for each part of the collection is only $1

This collection is now on SALE 77% off
It is valid only until Friday!

for a limited time - the offer ends TODAY - last day of sale: December 23
(value $43.43)


and these four pages are by me and all are included in the quick page set ;)

Thank you for your support and have a beautiful Christmas Time! 

((hugs and love))

1 comment:

  1. The beauty of your creations is such a pleasure for the eyes ! 8 )
    Je reste admirative devant votre travail si méticuleux toujours accompagné, selon moi, d'une impression positive.
    Hats off ! : )
    Je vous souhaite un chaleureux Noël ♪♫♪ et une paisible nouvelle année.
    C from Paris ♥


Thank you for your comment :)